> I find the compiled program, thanks! mpview -v still doesnot work? Could you pls tell me how to use it? Thank you so much:)
> The same query Have you solve this problem? About the semantic panorama? Thanks a lot!
> I've downloaded the data and stitched the undistorted color, depth, and normal images using the MATLAB toolbox. What I can't seem to figure out, though, is how to apply...
> @meder411 Hello, do you get the semantic images? Hello! Have you already got the semantic images?:)
> I had the same problem. > Just replace AT_CHECK and THCState_getCurrentStream(state) with TORCH_CHECK and at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream(), respectively and it works. > > [hyangwinter/flownet3d_pytorch#8 (comment)]( Thank you, but it doesnot work...
Thank you, dude! But I have another problem after that. like error: command ':/usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin/nvcc' failed with exit status 1