Brian Stock
Brian Stock
Hello, I'm testing a package that relies on JAGS, `rjags`, and `R2jags`, and I've received this same error when running `rhub::check_for_cran()` but only on Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, and gfortran....
Hi, I don't think you should have to manually modify after plotting. I would try manipulating the mixsiar output (data frame of posterior estimates), and you can always modify the...
Hi Chia-Ting, I think the issue is that MixSIAR reads in your mix/consumer data file and then calls `factor()` on the covariate column, so there is no way to tell...
Hi Bia, 1. The warning messages are due to an issue in another R package that MixSIAR used. I've fixed this bug but haven't pushed a new version to CRAN...
Hi Rebecca, Please see my explanation of how MixSIAR uses/fits the source data in both cases [here]( MixSIAR does not just take the means and sds of the source data...
Hi Alex, Off the top of my head, I'm not sure why you would ever summarize either - C and N isotopes in particular are usually correlated. Models with covariance...
Hi Alex and Rebecca, I'm sorry about the "cannot invert matrix" error. My guess is that's because we construct the source covariance matrix using individual rho and sigmas, as opposed...
Are you looking at means? Medians? They won't necessarily add to 100%. But every mcmc draw should add to 100%, and you can confirm this by summing rows of ´´,...
Hello, Just wanted to share a couple thoughts on the surface area metric: 1. Note that the Brett (2014) metric is _normalized_ surface area (area divided by source variance), and...
The "global" proportions are like the population mean, so my guess is that the individuals are just highly variable. Looking at the isospace plot would show this. On Mon, Jun...