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How does MixSIAR fit the source data? What is the difference between "raw" and "means + SD + n"?
Dear Brian,
I have a really basic question about how MixSIAR deals with variation in the sources, and have not been able to find the answer in the documentation. I’ve been advising a whole lab of students to use MixSIAR but am worried about non-normal distributions in source data. With 2 sources, my posterior distributions look substantially different if I feed MixSIAR the full source dataset vs. reduce it to means, sds, and ns. But in the code, it looks like what MixSIAR is doing is just taking means and sds from the full source data anyway. Can you tell me (a) why the full source data vs. summarized source data produce different answers, and (b) if you know of any extensions that would use full source distributions (removing problems due to non-normal source distributions)?
Thanks very much,
Hi Rebecca,
Please see my explanation of how MixSIAR uses/fits the source data in both cases here. MixSIAR does not just take the means and sds of the source data (although these are always calculated to make the isospace plots).
a) You should get slightly different answers with "raw" vs "means + SDs" because they're fitting different models, one with covariance and one without.
b) Not sure what you mean by "full source distributions"... The "raw" data model is "fully Bayesian", but it still assumes normality. How non-normal are your source data?
Hi Brian, Thanks for posting your explanation of the differences. I too didn't realize the model was fit differently using raw or summarized data. As a follow up question can you point me in the right direction to find examples of how to chose which method is more appropriate? I suspect in many cases people have access to the raw data and I am wondering why you would ever choose to summarize oppose to using the raw data.
On a related note, it seems like the raw data option only works with 2 tracers/isotopes are there plans to implement the raw data option for cases where there is more than 2 tracers/isotopes?
As for non-normal data I have been using transformations (e.g., log10) to make my data normal. Are there reasons I should not be using transformed data in mixing models?
Thanks, Alex
Hi Alex,
Off the top of my head, I'm not sure why you would ever summarize either - C and N isotopes in particular are usually correlated. Models with covariance take longer to run. I vaguely remember suggesting someone try using "means + SD + n", but I don't remember the reason - perhaps the model with covariance wasn't fitting well (?). Last thought: it's easier to fix the source mean/SD (i.e. turn off source fitting) using the "means + SD + n" option by setting n = 1000 (or other large number). To do that with raw data you'd have to duplicate the source data many times, which would take the model a long time to fit.
Why does it seem like the raw source data option only works with 2 tracers? It should work for any number...
I don't think there's a reason to not transform a tracer (long as you do it for source + mix + discr!). I'll ask around though.
Hi Brian, Thanks for the responses, this is very helpful. In terms of the raw data and more than 2 tracers, I get the following error: "Cannot invert matrix: not positive definite", I don't think I am the only one running into this issue (see issue #85). I am not certain how to interpret the error so I am not sure on how to begin to trouble shoot it. I have tried the raw data approach with more than one data set and ran in to the same issue each time. Thanks, Alex
Thanks very much Brian - Alex has summarized the original reason for this question - it would be great to be able to use raw data for >2 sources but I have always got the "cannot invert matrix" error as well. Maybe that has to do with what's happening with the covariance matrix? Great to know that this is the difference between raw and summarized data - thanks for that explanation.
Hi Alex and Rebecca,
I'm sorry about the "cannot invert matrix" error. My guess is that's because we construct the source covariance matrix using individual rho and sigmas, as opposed to giving it a multivariate prior that is guaranteed to be positive definite (like the inverse-Wishart that we use for the mixture covariance prior in the "residual error only" case). Will work on this.
Re: non-normality of sources, the source data would have to be very skewed to be a problem if you have more than a few samples. The mixing models assume that the mixture (weighted average of the source means) is normally distributed, which should be by the Central Limit Theorem.
(paraphrasing Eric Ward): I'm not sure that transforming the data doesn't have an effect on the estimation of proportions, and it may be worth doing a simulation to test this (see mixdist package). Ex: with a log transform, it's not true that the mixture of logged variables is the log of the consumer signatures.
Hi Brian - thanks very much for working on this, and for that very helpful comment about transforming variables. Makes sense.
Agreed with what Brian said about the matrix not being positive definite.
There's some tricks around this - but the easiest solution may be the prior.
I have recently come across the error that says: Cannot invert matrix: not positive definite.
I am using 16 tracers and hoping to use raw data for the sources, and I'm solving for each individual mixture (much like the cladocera example) so there is a fixed effect by mixture ID.
Is there a work around to allow me to run the JAGS model without getting the "Cannot invert matrix: not positive definite" error when using more than two tracers and raw source data?
Thank you.
I am wondering if any of you have already found a way to run the model with raw source data and more than two tracers?
Hi Maarten,
Thank you for your reply!
I made a work around - but I am not sure if that was a good idea....
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you, Anna
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 at 23:54, Maarten Wynants [email protected] wrote:
I am wondering if any of you have already found a way to run the model with raw source data and more than two tracers?
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Hi Anna,
I managed to get it running on an older version of MixSIAR. With this version you can only include residual error (which is fine for me because I am using geochemical data from riverine/lake sediment anyway). Nonetheless, I am not sure how this older version implements the error structure and the covariance, so I'm not a 100% convinced if I can trust the results. In any case, I would prefer to use raw data, because of the high covariance between individual geochemical tracers from my riverine sources. I have also been looking through the model build code to see if I can locate the source of the error and if an easy fix would be possible, but I'm not advanced enough in R language for this I'm afraid.
Regards, Maarten
Hi all
Brian - eigen value decomposition might be a good solution for the covariant matrix especially for more than 2 tracers. It’s pretty efficient and less restrictive than the inverse wishart. I have some code I can share if you want.
Not all that easy to just swap it out in the code though! If I get some time (I’m doing lots of coding these days) I might just go ahead and try, but will probably break a lot more than I fix.
Best wishes Andrew
Dr Andrew Jackson, PhD, FTCD Associate Professor School of Natural Sciences, Department of Zoology Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin Dublin 2, Ireland.
+353 1 896 2728 | [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Twitter: @yodacomplexhttps://twitter.com/yodacomplex http://www.tcd.ie/Zoology/research/research/theoretical/AndrewJackson.php
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is ranked 1st in Ireland and in the top 100 world universities by the QS World University Rankings.
On 4 Jul 2019, at 14:59, Maarten Wynants <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Anna,
I managed to get it running on an older version of MixSIAR. With this version you can only include residual error (which is fine for me because I am using geochemical data from riverine/lake sediment anyway). Nonetheless, I am not sure how this older version implements the error structure and the covariance, so I'm not a 100% convinced if I can trust the results. In any case, I would prefer to use raw data, because of the high covariance between individual geochemical tracers from my riverine sources. I have also been looking through the model build code to see if I can locate the source of the error and if an easy fix would be possible, but I'm not advanced enough in R language for this I'm afraid.
Regards, Maarten
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This is great that this issue is getting some traction again. Having had no luck with raw data input, I have always just defaulted to the summarized input. I am curious/worried about the implications of using correlated tracer data when using summarized data. However, if you dig in the R code it also says that MixSIAR does fit mixture data with covariance in cases with residual only error and > 1 tracer (which is the case for me). I am not sure what this means exactly. I wonder if MixSIAR can handle correlation (redundancy) using raw and summarized but can handle it best with raw data.
Source data are assumed to come from a multivariate normal distribution. In fitting it, there is a full covariance matrix to be estimated. Pretty straight forward for two tracers but more tricky for more. I suspect it currently only works with two tracers as it estimates two variances and a correlation coefficient from which the covariance matrix can be calculated. 11 tracers means A LOT of off diagonals to be calculated... and ultimately might perform very slowly (it will be very slow in any case regardless of method chosen).
When summary statistics are provided the tracers are assumed to come from a set univariate normal distributions so no correlation. This approach is computationally much more efficient owing to there only being k parameters per source rather than k+(k^2-k)/2
I can see how correlation structures might help identify between sources that are close together (assuming their correlation is markedly dofferent) but otherwise if they are distinct or share correlation structure I can’t see it helping any.
Dr Andrew Jackson, PhD, FTCD Associate Professor School of Natural Sciences, Department of Zoology Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin Dublin 2, Ireland.
+353 1 896 2728 | [email protected]mailto:[email protected]
Twitter: @yodacomplexhttps://twitter.com/yodacomplex http://www.tcd.ie/Zoology/research/research/theoretical/AndrewJackson.php
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin is ranked 1st in Ireland and in the top 100 world universities by the QS World University Rankings.
On 4 Jul 2019, at 17:26, Alex Koiter <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
This is great that this issue is getting some traction again. Having had no luck with raw data input, I have always just defaulted to the summarized input. I am curious/worried about the implications of using correlated tracer data when using summarized data. However, if you dig in the R code it also says that MixSIAR does fit mixture data with covariance in cases with residual only error and > 1 tracer (which is the case for me). I am not sure what this means exactly. I wonder if MixSIAR can handle correlation (redundancy) using raw and summarized but can handle it best with raw data.
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Hi all,
Just wondering if there have been any recent updates or work arounds found for this issue?
RE: Cannot invert matrix: not positive definite
Hi everyone,
Looks like this topic has been abandoned for almost two years now.... so I guess the only way to over come this issue is to use the Mean+/-SD instead of raw data.....
Hello from Australia here :) Hope someone can contribute..........