Brian Popow

Results 88 comments of Brian Popow

I wonder why the test `MatrixCalculator_WithMatrix_ReturnsResult` only fails with `netcoreapp2.1` and not with the other frameworks.

> @brianpopow It'll be an accuracy issue most likely. (I hope it's not a JIT issue). It should be possible to inspect the result and see. The issue only happens...

> > Vector3.Zero does not have the expected value (0, 0, 0). > > @brianpopow Woah! That's bonkers! I have reported this issue: They confirmed the issue, but they...

@JimBobSquarePants It would be really nice, if we could bring this PR forward. This would be a good addition to ImageSharp. I thought, I may ask you, if you know...

I think we definitely need a reference implementation to compare the results against. I tried [BABL]( which gnome is using, but i could not get it to work on windows....

@HappyCatKitten do you know what CPU's are used in Azure App service? Do they support hardware intrinsics like SSE2 or AVX2? If not, that could be the cause of the...

> I now see that this is aligned with the 1.10 milestone. If ready, is there a way to test a pre-release in Unity3D to confirm resolution? You can try...

We already have seeded DrawImageProcessor [here](, but i guess we need to seed `DrawImageProcessor` also? Im not so familiar with AOT issues.

@stonstad would you mind creating a PR?

Test `AllocateMemoryGroup_Finalization_ReturnsToPool` may also be affected by this