Brian Popow

Results 88 comments of Brian Popow

ok so that may be the reason then, my device has a ARMv7, so its 32bit. Is it possible to reproduce this with an emulator?

> Do we have the output images? Are they badly off? If so that would likely indicate a JIT error which we can report upstream. Visually, I cant tell the...

I can replicate it locally, but it seems not to happen always (but very often).

To add another weird observation to the list: When executing the test via visual studio they always pass. Only executing the tests via command line fails occasionally.

Maybe handling of NaN/Infinite has changed in .Net7.0? It's still weird that this does not always happens. edit: the only thing I could find NaN related changed in .Net7.0 seems...

The spec of this [processor]( says it has AVX and AVX2, so this seems a different issue then the one reported in #2173. I still believe it has something to...

@EgorBo thanks for the feedback, happy to see the `Vector256.Create` issue to be fixed! I think there is another issue with the two `Skew_IsNotBoundToSinglePixelType` tests failing, maybe unrelated to AVX1...

Hi @tannergooding, thanks for trying to help here, I am out of idea's here and any suggestion on how to find this issue is very appreciated. The failing test is...

I have updated to `7.0.100-preview.7.22377.5` and it seems now to happen more frequently. I have run the tests in a loop of 20 iterations and the issue occurred in 19...

Yes, only in Release mode.