Brian Lalonde

Results 23 issues of Brian Lalonde

Currently, `Get-IisLog.ps1` uses a Windows-specific type only natively available in WPS. This needs to be mitigated to support PSC.

An alternate parameter set that takes in-memory XML DOMs as both the XML and XSLT should be supported, or else the existing params should be more flexible.

Omitting the `-OutFile` param tries to transform the XML to `[Console]::Out`, but that isn't working.

Support for adding/updating/choosing the `schemes` in `$env:LocalAppData\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\profiles.json` would be nice.

PowerShell Core doesn't seem to have a _machine.config_: ```powershell $mcfg = [Configuration.ConfigurationManager]::OpenMachineConfiguration() $may = if(Test-Path $mcfg.FilePath){'does'}else{'does not'} "PowerShell v$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) uses $($mcfg.FilePath), which $may exist" ``` PowerShell v6.2.0 uses C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6\Config\machine.config,...

The **Backup-SchTasks.ps1** script could add a `` or something similar to make that file more immediately readable, when a CSS href is given as a param. Or it could add...

The `Use-SqlcmdParams.ps1` script should also support accepting pipeline input from [**dbatools'**]( [`Get-DbaDatabase`]( and [**SqlServer's**]( [`Get-SqlDatabase`](, so that scripts using it also support those inputs. This would require updating the comment...

Changing console color palettes for both default process registry settings and shortcuts are important to cover all cases. See for shortcut API calls, maybe.

The IIS Log parsing script should allow the `-Before` parameter to be omitted, and watch for (and filter) new log entries. This could use `Get-Content -Wait` (like `tail -f` on...

> Headings with `=` or `-` underlines can be annoying to maintain and don’t fit with the rest of the heading syntax. The user has to ask: Does `---` mean...