Brett Willis

Results 31 issues of Brett Willis

Since NPM version 7, the package-lock.json version 2 file now uses a `packages` field, and the `dependencies` field is duplicated for backwards compatibility. It is possible to configure NPM to...

The TypeScript config has [`"emitDecoratorMetadata": true`](, which causes `"design:type"` metadata to be emitted in decorators in the build output. Firstly, I'm not sure if runtime type metadata is necessary here,...

If the name attribute of the wl-radio has a `.` character, such as `name=""` (or and character that breaks CSS query) then the radio throws an error: DOMException: Failed to...

Consider this scenario: - I use my own set of inline SVG for icons so I can share and bundle them within my app - I use your `wl-expander` Now...

Consider implementing a stepper: It's seemingly archived from the Material Design guidelines, but nevertheless a useful component which is provided by other frameworks such as [React]( and [Angular](


- [ ] Implement the Firestore `set(...)` and `set(..., { merge: true })` operations on transactions and references - [ ] Rationalise the write merging behaviour of transactions


The `FieldOperation` (similar to the native `FieldValue`) class is currently a private API, so this is low priority. But we may wish to make `FieldOperation` a public API, at which...


Currently, search is implemented in one of three ways - Not allowed (default) - Prefix-like search on a single attribute - Full manual search (fetching queries in chunks, or natuarally...


Closes #45 - [x] Configuration API - [ ] Store target data when updating source document - [ ] Update data in source document when updating the target - [...


Currently, a write operation is performed immediately on startup to ensure the existence of the document containing flattened collections. Because a read operation is cheaper than a write operation, it...