Brent Pedersen

Results 878 comments of Brent Pedersen

there is a `total` plot that combines all of the chromosomes. You can also edit the script to your needs.

Hi, your interval: `6 170370995 171370995` is going off the end of the chromosome. In 37, the chr6 length is `171115067` and in 38, it is `170805979` I'll leave this...

if you run as: `python scripts/plot-dist *`, then it will put all samples in the same html (plot) output. If that's not the issue, can clarify the problem further?

> The main issue is that all the * files need to be in the same directory. No, you can do, e.g. `python /path/to/a/ /path/to/b/ /other/path/to/*.global.dist.txt` > However, I...

@zhaoruolan you can pull from latest github to get an updated script. For some genomes (e.g. GRCh38), there were so many chroms that ti was stalling. I updated it this...

Hi, this is hard to diagnose with this info. Must be something peculiar about your input data. what is the chromosome? and what are the entries in `input.bed` for that...

for the sample that fails on chr2, can you run `mosdepth -c 2 ...` where `...` is the same arguments you used before. then see if the output is still...

well, that is worrisome. I'm not sure how those are created.

Hi Wei, indexcov doesn't report any values if the length of the chromosome is < 16KB. For such a small chromosome, I think you'd do better using [mosdepth]( which will...

it'd be great to have a bioconda build for osx, i'm not sure how to do that.