Brendon Muir

Results 265 comments of Brendon Muir

Sorry I found it:

From memory this was to do with ActiveRecord being initialised way before the Rails Default initialiser file is run (due to a particular gem touching it early on). The solution...

I came up with the following as a teardown: ``` $(audiojs_instances).each(function() { $(this.wrapper).replaceWith(this.element); }); ``` jQuery of course but the idea is basically to replace the wrapper with the element...

Hi @arnvald, did you ever get anywhere with this one? :)

Thanks @Ch4s3, I didn't realised it had moved :) I use Sorcery in my main app but active_admin uses devise. So far this is the only conflict I've found :)

Hi @singhdurgesh, can you give me a quick rundown on the issue? :)

Thanks @singhdurgesh, check out `sequential_updates`: Does this help? :)

Hi @singhdurgesh, does it work if you update only one item record at a time with nested attributes? The gem isn't really built to cope with multiple repositioning all at...

I've actually implemented a simple concern (well it started out that way) that implements a lot of what `acts_as_list` does. It's not a gem yet but the gist is here:...