Results 133 comments of Brian Kim

Ah yeah. I was wondering why the bug is only on the new version and I couldn’t reproduce the old behavior. Fixed the typescript example so it only fails on...

It seems like the discussions API has been opened up for all users!

@DanijelBojcic Hey Daniel! Thanks for opening this issue. I tried running your reproduction, but did not notice any memory leaks against the latest apollo client. > Calling readFragment/writeFragment should not...

@DanijelBojcic Oh yes, I can’t vouch for Apollo Client’s memory safety in React Native. Thanks for the update and reproduction. I’ll take a look when I can, though I’m not...

@oferitz If you’d like, please create a new issue with a description of your memory leak! Just so I can keep these issues tidy and focused.

@migueloller May I ask what your use-case is? I ask partly because we’re currently of the mind that `partialRefetch` should be deprecated ( because all of its use-cases were superseded...

Related: - -

So the only breaking part of this change is that there will no longer be type-level emits of the enum values (`type: OperationTypeNode.QUERY` -> `type: typeof OperationTypeNode.QUERY`). But this is...

@IvanGoncharov Let me know what sort of tests you’re expecting if you get a chance!

@IvanGoncharov It’s technically a breaking change, but it’s unlikely to affect people according to the analysis above. It’s your call, but if it’s going in a major release, I’d like...