Results 133 comments of Brian Kim

Any progress on this issue? I’m realizing that assigning DOM `onclick` properties is eating a significant chunk of time on tests like rowlots. Is there a sliding scale? Am I...

It’s odd because it’s one of those optimizations that anyone working with large amounts of DOM nodes will go to first, but I understand the arguments against explicit event delegation....

In the end I decided against doing event delegation because it wouldn’t be in good sport. Also finding the row id and making sure the target contains a specific tag...

I’m investigating snowpack and think it could potentially be revolutionary. I’ve been dissatisfied with all the major bundlers and the features/philosophical clarity of snowpack version 2 is something I admire....

@dfabulich Yes as I investigate it seems like it uses both rollup and parcel under the hood somehow? 😨

@dfabulich do you enjoy finding build/environment bugs because you seem to be very good at it haha.

Apparently the Vue.js Vite project supports preact as well. ![Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 12 06 56 AM]( I really do like the idea of no transpilation for development. I...

The name for this type of bug that I’ve heard is “tearing,” and I think you might find some helpful info if you search for that term in the other...

@ged-odoo Don’t think you’re trolling, and you’re definitely not annoying me (yet 😈). I agree that it would be nice for parents to coordinate child components to appear together. The...

@nikordaris I’m personally against calling functions meant to be Crank components directly. It’s just too complicated and error-prone for the caller because you have to handle the four component return...