When running updatedb from drush, the system module warning about max_input_vars is triggered, because command line PHP doesn't read .htaccess settings. It will show every time updatedb is run. I...
Seeing the same in the latest versions. Following the instructions in and there is no visible effect.
I only mean things like wget which has a --no-check-certificate flag. I think what you've said sounds correct, that it depends on what options there are in whatever is managing...
Ah, no, my mistake. The key "committed" is initialized in loadOptions() - it just needs a spelling fix.
I find that if after it's been running for a bit, I select 'Admin' again, the live to the move page says "(Move pending)", and when I go there, it...
This instance of Chrome is giving me multiple errors about inline Javascript. One of those is that it won't run "onclick" declarations in the HTML. In Firefox, it starts and...
OK. I will try some other server addresses, I may be able to find out more specifics. On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 12:38 PM, maihde [email protected] wrote: > The...
I can't connect to any HTTPS server, but I don't have access to any installations that don't have some issue with the certificate (self-issued, etc). So I can't confirm if...
OK. I did confirm that using an IP is a workaround to domain length, for HTTP URLs. On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 4:14 PM, maihde [email protected] wrote: > Brad,...
i tried that, didn't fix it. but having gotten into dev mode on the Roku, i can see the result code is -60, which i guess is the roUrlEvent error...