there are a number of other places in there that need the same kind of change. or else $attr needs to be initialized with default values for the expected keys.
It seems to make sense to me add these lines to the og_form_group_reference_validate() function: ``` if (og_is_group($entity_type, $entity) && og_user_access($entity_type, $id, 'edit group', $account)) { // Entity is a group...
Is there any practical way to get movement on this if we are unable to do the work ourselves? (Not yet, anyway.) I work with several sites that rely on...
yes, sorry, i should have made that explicit. On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Amitai Burstein [email protected] wrote: > Is this using the DEV version? > > —...
How can I update the documentation when I need to read documentation to understand how it works?
I tried the mysql.cnf workaround, and I can see that 'no-tablespaces' is TRUE, but I still get the error about no PROCESS privilege. Adding, this seems to be the known...
I also wonder if that Composer page is really up to date, I guess maybe that's a separate topic. I am using the current release of drupal from drupal/recommended-project, which...
Is the minimum Apache version required specified somewhere?
I think I was looking at the wrong PR or an outdated version, with an IF condition in .htaccess.
Yes. But if I am reading PR: backdrop/backdrop#2955 right it looks like the simple solution, a mod_php5 block and a mod_php7 block, which should be fine.