
Results 18 comments of Bäm

I would like to see the standard behaviour, that errors go to "stderr" and info and related to stdout. You can take advantage to cron with filtered stdout but enabled...

I like the proposal . Some feature to consume the sso via REST API would be very cool for using it in microservices and other rest consuming clients. There is...

yes. its possible. there is a http api documentation available (scroll down, section: http api) https://www.arylic.com/pages/download direct link: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0072/6899/1049/files/WIFI_AUDIO_HTTP_API_arylic.pdf?v=1605838383

Hi @hunter2046 Nothing new, I don't use the schema registry or validation at the moment.

My Workstation is running out of space. so I added a new Disk and luksFormated and added it to my crypttab. Now I have the same problem that ykfde only...

Hm I think there is a implementation needed for that. The functions exist (ex. https://github.com/celery/celery/blob/master/celery/backends/base.py#L371), But no connection between AsyncResult and Backend.

Chain of calls: * `AsyncResult.forget()` * `self.backend.forget(self.id)` * `BaseKeyValueStoreBackend.forget(task_id)` * `BaseKeyValueStoreBackend._forget(task_id)` * `self.delete(self.get_key_for_task(task_id))` This is for all backends whose inherit from `BaseKeyValueStoreBackend` like Redis. So yes, calling `result.forget()` does delete...

related pull request https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/pull/15986

What is the state of this? I would like to see pyca/cryptography beeing used.