
Results 4 issues of bouldrini

Hi, I try using Itinero for solving a DTSP as shown below: ``` DirectedWeightMatrixAlgorithm directedWeightMatrixAlgorithm = new DirectedWeightMatrixAlgorithm(mRouter, Vehicle.Car.Fastest(), wgsCoordArray); // wgsCoordArray has 15 elements in it Itinero.Optimization.TSP.Directed.Solvers.HillClimbing3OptSolver directedhillClimbingSolver =...

I followed the Readme and came up with the following error. While running build.bat I receive the following Errors: ``` ...\directions-api-clients\csharp>build.bat Feeds used: C:\Users\xx\.nuget\packages\ C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\NuGetPackages\ All...

The documentation names the setting "magik-vscode.smallworldHome" to define the default path to search for gis_aliases AND runalias.exe to start a session. In my case the gis_aliases file and the runalias.exe...

The setting magik-vscode.smallworldHome is not configurable after installing the extension using Option 1: Install from the VSIX extension file. I mentioned the option is missing in checked in package.json. This...