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Directed TSP with invalid indices
I try using Itinero for solving a DTSP as shown below:
DirectedWeightMatrixAlgorithm directedWeightMatrixAlgorithm = new DirectedWeightMatrixAlgorithm(mRouter, Vehicle.Car.Fastest(), wgsCoordArray);
// wgsCoordArray has 15 elements in it
Itinero.Optimization.TSP.Directed.Solvers.HillClimbing3OptSolver directedhillClimbingSolver = new Itinero.Optimization.TSP.Directed.Solvers.HillClimbing3OptSolver();
directedTsprouter = new Itinero.Optimization.TSP.Directed.TSPRouter(directedWeightMatrixAlgorithm, 1.0f, 0, 15, directedhillClimbingSolver);
if (directedTsprouter.HasSucceeded)
itineroTour = directedTsprouter.Tour; // {[0] -> 51 -> 11 -> 2 -> 39 -> 40 -> ... -> [12]}
Determination works fine but the result is unclear to me. directedTsprouter.Tour contains obscure indices that do not correspond to the wgsCoordArray in any way.
I cannot find any hint in the documentation how to map the given indices back to the given wgsCoordArray.