Bouke Versteegh

Results 33 comments of Bouke Versteegh

Great! Seems like a simple fix to a problem I've also encountered. Can we merge this? @foxbenjaminfox

is `byConfig` supposed to take a default value or the name of a config parameter?

Hi Adrian! ### Options and extensibility Yes! Its a great idea, and it would be great to support extending betterproto with options. 1. I haven't had time to get into...

@adriangb i would be very curious to see a working proof of concept of something that extends betterproto. I saw the empty method, but at the moment I don't see...

But also, it may be more practical to look at how other proto compilers allow their extensions to hook in, rather than reinventing the wheel 😝

See also: - - to_dict() fails to write boolean fields without default when value is False - - oneof with enum : which_one_of returns the wrong value when...

As for your other suggestions, they are all valuable ideas. As it will be hard to track them being inside this issue, if you like, please create a proposal for...

> > Nice. Do you need me to do anything to push this along? > > I had intended to get one more release out following the current pattern before...

> But I do not quite understand the [`list` handling]( of int64 types As far as I can see, the list implementation is equivalent to the single int64 type. It...

> One thing I know we found confusing when looking into betterproto is that to_dict converts everything to the JSON representation, but that isn't really clearly documented. It makes sense...