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Default values are not serialized in oneofs when calling .to_dict() or .to_json() (which is different behaviour from official protobuf impl)
Consider this protobuf message:
message OneOfDemo{
oneof value_type {
bool bool_value = 1;
int64 int64_value = 2;
Using the official protobuf codegen and library (libprotoc 3.12.3):
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
# Official protobuf:
print("True: ", json.dumps(MessageToDict(OneOfDemo(bool_value=True))))
print("False:", json.dumps(MessageToDict(OneOfDemo(bool_value=False))))
print("1: ", json.dumps(MessageToDict(OneOfDemo(int64_value=1))))
print("0: ", json.dumps(MessageToDict(OneOfDemo(int64_value=0))))
True: {"boolValue": true}
False: {"boolValue": false}
1: {"int64Value": "1"}
0: {"int64Value": "0"}
Using betterproto (1.2.5)
# Generated code:
class OneOfDemoBetter(betterproto.Message):
bool_value: bool = betterproto.bool_field(1, group="value_type")
int64_value: int = betterproto.int64_field(2, group="value_type")
print("True: ", OneOfDemoBetter(bool_value=True).to_json())
print("False:", OneOfDemoBetter(bool_value=False).to_json())
print("1: ", OneOfDemoBetter(int64_value=1).to_json())
print("0: ", OneOfDemoBetter(int64_value=0).to_json())
True: {"boolValue": true}
False: {}
1: {"int64Value": "1"}
0: {}
This obviously leads to the following inconsistency:
od = OneOfDemoBetter(bool_value=False)
print(betterproto.which_one_of(od, "value_type"))
od2 = OneOfDemoBetter().from_json(od.to_json())
print(betterproto.which_one_of(od2, "value_type"))
('bool_value', False)
('', None)
- Python 3.8.1
- I love what you are trying to do with this project btw - the official generated protobuf code is AWEFUL and this is a HUGE step forwards. This one difference in behaviour is blocking wholesale adoption of your project unfortunately
- Tangentially related ideas and observations
- Would it make sense to have values in the oneof be declared
? (ie:bool_value: Optional[bool]
) since only one is expected to be set? Personally I would prefer this but I can understand if its getting too far away from the idea of "there are no nulls in proto3". -
is missing thecasing
arg (andinclude_default_values
) from.to_dict()
- Stretch/wishlist: personally I would find it super valuable if there were some way to default to
for all.to_json()
operations automatically. Perhaps something like a default option you could specify on a per message basis?
- Would it make sense to have values in the oneof be declared
Great work on this project! Keep it up!
I hacked together a proposed fix for this in I'm also really impressed with this project!
See also:
- - to_dict() fails to write boolean fields without default when value is False
- - oneof with enum : which_one_of returns the wrong value when enum is the first field
Thank you for your great write-up! This makes a clear case to include the default values in the output.
I'll respond further in your PR 😄
As for your other suggestions, they are all valuable ideas. As it will be hard to track them being inside this issue, if you like, please create a proposal for those so we can categorize / prioritize them, and discuss them separately.
I'm not sure whether this is the correct place to comment, but I've noticed that the default values are also not serialized when calling bytes() on a dataclass for a oneoff.
I have a message with a oneoff field. One of the options of the oneoff is a submessage with two required fields, an enum field and a uint32 field. when calling bytes(message) with the default value (which is 0) on the uint32 field, it is not added to the binary data.
When I do the same using the default python protobuff implementation this field is added to the binary data.
enum Enum {
a = 1;
b = 2;
enum OtherEnum {
c = 3;
d = 4;
message First{
required OtherEnum enum_name = 1;
required uint32 uint32_name = 2;
message Second{
required uint32 offset = 1;
required bytes data = 2;
message MyMessage{
required Enum myEnum = 1;
oneof params {
First first = 2;
Second second = 3;
So in the case of MyMessage(myEnum=Enum.a, first=First(enum_name=OtherEnum.d, uint32_name =0)
when bytes
is called, the uint32_name field is not present in the binary data even though it is required.
If this belongs in a seperate issue please let me know.