Boris Smidt

Results 34 issues of Boris Smidt

Hey lihaoyi, I really liked your blog post about performance but i saw that it was made with an old scala version and it was missing the builders of the...

Dear, I have made a proof of concept to make an grpc-web work over a websocket where i mirrored the channel implementation of the java grpc-api. The protocol over the...

Dear, I was wondering, could a websocket be multiplexed so it really mirrors the java/go api? So you create 1 connection per stub, this would allow grpc-web to have a...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When i do `panderas.typing.DataFrame[T].from_record()` i get an untyped DataFrame back and not a panderas `DataFrame[T]` **Describe the solution you'd like**...


**Describe the feature** I tend to use grpc api's quite often and this generates a very simple to use api. Where each RPC has 1 api call with 1 input...

I hope this has no further implications on the macros that an empty case class is allowed. I also all Unit `()` i.e. empty tuple to be mapped to an...

Dear, I'm a scala developer and i was wondering if there are any plans on upgrading the scala version and go to scala-3. I dont really do hardware development but...

**Version**: (e.g. `3.11.0`) **Module**: (e.g. `quill-jdbc`) **Database**: (e.g. `mysql`) ``` case class MyTable(resource : String) def query() { val resourceStartsWith = Set("resource1.", resource2." ) dynamicQuery[SettlementSeriesDef] .filterOpt(resourceStartsWith)((ssd, resourceStartsWith) => resourceStartsWith.exist(x...

### consecutiveTakeWhile Works like a takeWhile. Where you can compare two elements and take the observable as long as they are the same. But starts a new group when the...