Boris Brodski

Results 18 issues of Boris Brodski

I would like to repeat last align (that was configured interactively) at some point in the future. After finishing easy-align interactive mode the plugin prints the resulted command and execute...

First of all - thank you for this incredably useful and long awaited plugin! The most useful use case for me is the Jenkins Pipeline configuration editor. This editor is...

Write a code snippet to extract archives like tar.gz at ones. Preferably in 2 variants: * In memory: without using temporary file * Using temporary file

feature request

if (jniEnvInstance->IsInstanceOf(inStreamImpl, inStreamInterface)) { ... Should be rewritten to better support multiple classloaders. TODO: Enhance the description.

I'm using encfs to create encrypted backup using following mount cmd: encfs --extpass='/bin/bash -c "cat /root/.private/encfs-password"' --reverse /media/HDD /media/HDD-encfs --public It works fine (besides too long filenames) for the initial...

## Jnario as a set of pure Xbase languages ### Motivation Jnario currently depends directly on Xtend. Since Xtend provides no official public stable API, even each minor release of...

``` fact "reproduce error" { java.lang.System => java.lang.System } ``` generates ``` @Test @Named("reproduce error") @Order(2) public void _reproduceError() throws Exception { Assert.assertTrue("\nExpected java.lang.System => java.lang.System but" + "\n java.lang.System...

Opening [Introducing Jnario Specs]( with Internet Explorer 10 the format of the ``` .. ``` blocks is broken: - In normal: mode there are missing new lines (the entire block...

Editing Specs I get from time to time following exception: !ENTRY 4 2 2014-07-22 10:36:32.759 !MESSAGE An internal error occurred during: "XtextReconcilerJob". !STACK 0 java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.model.DocumentPartitioner.getFirstIndexEndingAfterOffset( at org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.model.DocumentPartitioner.computePartitioning(

Using undefined variables in `should be null` or `=> null` expressions produces no validation error and then a NullPointerException during code generation. Example: ``` package bootstrap describe "something"{ fact "x"...