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Doc: Broken format of <pre class="lang-spec prettyprint">..</pre> with IE10

Open borisbrodski opened this issue 9 years ago • 2 comments

Opening Introducing Jnario Specs with Internet Explorer 10 the format of the

<pre class="lang-spec prettyprint">..</pre>

blocks is broken:

  • In normal: mode there are missing new lines (the entire block joined to the single line) image
  • In compatibility mode: new lines are ok, but syntax highlighting is broken image

borisbrodski avatar Oct 21 '14 09:10 borisbrodski

Could you please have a look what a potential fix would be? I don't have an installation of IE10 available.

sebastianbenz avatar Oct 28 '14 15:10 sebastianbenz


borisbrodski avatar Nov 02 '14 07:11 borisbrodski