Brandon Ording

Results 94 comments of Brandon Ording

> The description mentions DirectRoutingTopology which is pretty much no longer used There's nothing that we've done that actually prevents people from using it, so I'm not sure that's actually...

Looking at this a bit more, I do think there is more we can do here, but if we change the exception type we expose to users by wrapping the...

I do generally think that changing the exception type the way we'd need to here is a break. Someone could have code that is catching the existing exceptions and doing...

FYI to make this work the way we'd want to, we'd also need to stop swallowing exceptions in and which I think would probably be a good thing...

The client PR gets us most of the way there since it means the exception thrown from the client will contain the offending value, so it should be more obvious...

There are several things that would need to be addressed to be able to support this. The queues themselves need to be declared with the `x-max-priority` argument, which includes passing...

@zlepper It's not clear to me how priority queues would help in your scenario. You'd have to be able to evaluate ahead of time the size of the job in...

HI @moanrose, Before we could offer anything like what you're suggesting, the RabbitMQ client that we rely on would need to have support added. I suggest filing an issue at...

> @bording yes, there is a way to support JWT-based authentication and token refresh, at least for AMQP 0-9-1 (not all protocols RabbitMQ supports are extensible). @michaelklishin I see that...

@mikelneo If you are creating a custom topology, then you have full control on how queues and exchanges are declared. I get the impression that you're attempting to derive from...