Results 8 issues of LSC

the link in this issue the *Advertising* link on the bottom left when you visit and so on. the firefox addon simply does not clean any links. I...

I think you broke a rule within the example of another. ----- In **Don't add unneeded context** you say that this is bad ``` public class Car { public string...

So I want to rebuild my app on the server on every git push. When running a simple script which is just executing `cd /.../ && tsd install` it works...

The sink won't send any messages to graylog. Graylog is working fine with other sources. The input is setup correctly. When I try to log with Serilog.Sinks.Graylog then wireshark won't...

Does not work for me .|

I want to ignore the case when using `Containg` or `ContainigAll`. But `SetCulture` is not available. Is the documentation outdated or am I doing something wrong? Simplified example of what...

I'm just following the guide for angular using the autoarrange-plugin. I do want to use another arrange algorithm though. Most of them seem to work just fine (like `elk.mrtree`). But...


I want to use a quicktext to add an signature. But the signature uses some variables like `TO`, `SUBJECT`. So I want the variables to be up-to-date when sending a...

help wanted