
Results 6 issues of bonbonjour

HelIo, I want to use scannet for instance segmentation, and I need to get every point's xyxrgb value + sem label + instance label, because the the _vh_clean_2.ply is mesh...

I run to see the output prediction of pascal voc dataset and my own data, and I noticed that the output image size is not the same as the...

what if I don't have attribute-height, and i don't want to use height value for training, what should I do? any way can deal with it?

when I run facade test pre-trained model code, it occurs indexError as follows: File "/home/yt/splatnet/exp/facade3d/../../splatnet/semseg3d/", line 211, in args.dataset_params, save_dir, save_prefix, args.cpu) File "/home/yt/splatnet/exp/facade3d/../../splatnet/semseg3d/", line 96, in semseg_test data, xyz,...

Hello, thanks for sharing your code! Recently I want to train bonet with scannet database, and I followesd the step in #6 to process scannet database, firstly I ran

In scannet, the _vh_clean_2.ply is mesh file, I don't know how to get their xyzrgb attribute, can you please tell me how to get its xyzrgb value from mesh. thanks