Bogdan Gusiev

Results 32 issues of Bogdan Gusiev

Sometimes touchpad horizontal scroll on macbook pro results in lines scrolled unequally: ![image]( It usually happens when scroll is manually stopped. The layout comes back to normal when any key...

**Feature Request** Description: In other testing tool, there was a matcher that expects some value to be changed by specified amount or from a value to a value. Usually a...

`validateOrReject` throws an array of errors that does not have a stack. That is bad in case such error is not being caught and results in 500 Internal Server Error....

type: feature
flag: needs discussion

### Description I want to be concise in my tests related to queue. Using `Queue#process` in tests lead to a complex code structure - similar to the one used in...


Fixing: ``` Could not find a declaration file for module 'nervjs'. './default/node_modules/nervjs/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type. Try `npm install @types/nervjs` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts)...

Typescript is specified as a `dependencies` in some `package.json` failes. It causes problems when package is attached to projects using a different major version of typescript. Please move typescript dependency...

Our queues have some advanced configuration like: ``` typescript export const MailerQueue = new Queue('MailerQueue', { limiter: { max: 100, duration: 5 * 1000, }, defaultJobOptions: { attempts: 3, backoff:...

I am trying to make all my models not sharded by default with. But it results in a weird behavior. `on_shard` call doesn't establish connection to shard because `connection_specification_name` calls...


Current gem configuration allows to specify a limit number of shards which (as "Usage" section suggest) should be used as buckets for each account (or account-like entity). In my case...

Pry-rails loads plugins before reading the pryrc which may contain the `should_load_plugins` config option set to false. It has only when launching rails console via `pry` or `rails c` but...