Bogdan Gusiev

Results 22 comments of Bogdan Gusiev

I am not sure what do you mean. Please explain

IMO providing endpoints to automatically load the options out of the box is doomed to have issues with different formats. I wouldn't do it out of the box. You can...

You are doing it right as far as I know ruby. Fortunately, ruby is not javascript and doesn't distinguish between `null` and `undefined`. And you met the only 1 of...

I am open to a good change. It would be ideal if you form your proposal here before "implementing something" that may not look good at the end.

I don't see a way to make it work without some conventions: you need to define a special value that you will treat as `no value`. In your case `DO_NOT_FILTER`...

Does Rails server console output any errors?

I was thinking about this feature before, but didn't end up with an API that will fit everyones needs. So I end up writing custom table layouts if I need...

There is no problems using datagrid backend with sinatra. But frontend heavily depends on Rails form builders. And I am not sure I ever want to support frontend with out...

Not all of the rejects are being caught and processed. It means that if the error is displayed in console or sent to exception notification software, you will have no...

You can avoid breaking change by intoroducing a different method like `validateOrThrow` and maybe deprecating the old one as I suggested initially.