
Results 123 comments of bobpskier

@tuanis-ebrenes Another Lex V2 breaking change. Lex V1 required "subTitle". Lex V2 requires "subtitle" as you indicated. Simplest change is in ResponseCard.vue. To support both V1 or V2...

@tuanis-ebrenes I submitted a pull request with a fix for this issue. Up to the AWS team to accept the pull request and merge into development and then release on...

I looked at reproducing the problem using lexwebui 0.18.2 and iOS 14.8 on both an iPhone XS and iPad Pro 9.7 on 14.6. iOS will scroll the parent page based...

I believe its going to be a heavy lift to shift to Vue3 from the current Vue2 implementation. Vuetify being one of the potential issues. Certainly will be needed sooner...

@karanakatle The inputTranscript field in the response object in Lex V2 contains the transcription of the input audio from the post to recognizeUtterance. Lex web ui will use this in...

@karanakatle On old devices such as iPhone 6 and 7, one has to fully enable WebRTC in Safari to make this work. Settings->Safari->Advanced->Experimental Features. There are four WebRTC settings that...

For the first issue, there are some parameters that can be adjusted that might have an affect on this aspect in the lex-web-ui recorder config. The file lex-web-ui/src/config/index.js contains the...

@karanakatle I'm not sure what else to try. With my iPhone 6 this worked for me in Safari browser. All I can suggest is to confirm you are on the...

@karanakatle The process of setting up another language is involved and want to make sure you've gone through these steps. First is to add the Mandarin (PRC) language to your...

@sk814 I think the best bet would be to deploy lexwebui twice. Configure one for each parent origin. Each lexwebui can support a single parent origin. Then in the "parent"...