
Results 123 comments of bobpskier

@rahulss14 Can you post the response card (json) being returned and consumed by the lex-web-ui? You can find this using the lex-web-ui parent.html page. It is a small page that...

Most likely the number of attachments each with fairly long titles is resulting in rendering issues. If you have just a couple of entries in the array does the display...

@karanakatle The following is how I would test and validate the config for CORS errors. 1) The S3 bucket hosting the lexwebui has a valid CORS policy. Something like: ```...

@karanakatle I'm curious, for number 9 did you set it back to the new CORS policies or leave it in legacy mode? There is a parameter named, WebAppConfBotInitialSpeech, which can...

@karanakatle For 1, the recorder will timeout the request when the tab is entered again. Any captured audio will be invalidated on this timeout. The Lex Bot / Intent should...

@srachir The cloud formation template has a parameter named "WebAppConfToolbarTitle". The iframe toolbar title when using the iframe integration approach will be set to this value. Same with the toolbar...

@FranklinBulmez The failure will be indicated in the response from the lex which you can see in the browser debugger in the network tab. First thing to check is to...

@FranklinBulmez Another possible error is if the Lex V2 Bot calls a fulfillment lambda and that lambda fails or returns an error. The error message returned in the RecognizeUtterance request...

@ViggoMode2021 Are you targeting a Lex V1 or Lex V2 bot? Be sure to supply values for either one or the other but not both. If you are targeting Lex...

@ViggoMode2021 Usually this means something on the backend is failing. Do you have any Lambda functions attached to your Lex intents? Using the browser debugger, you can see the specific...