
Results 123 comments of bobpskier

Lex V1 supported a single response card as part of the return structure from a Lambda. LexWebUi was originally implemented supporting this single response card. Lex V2 changed the response...

Other than Amplify, I'm not ware of other pre-created web interfaces for Lex. I'd recommend to stick with Lex V2 as V1 is not the preferred path going forward especially...

I've implemented a feature change that allows multiple ImageResopnseCards in Lex V2 to be handled in LexWebUi. The change was moderately complex. Lambda's that return multiple ImageResponseCards will now be...

@hongNianYS Version 0.19.5 contains this fix and has been merged into the master branch. The iframe version will contain this fix. By default, titles of image responsecards are ignored and...

@radycle I tried the site above just now and was able to successfully load and use the bot at the contact-us url above using both private and normal browser windows....

@kmaramr Did you use the Cloud Formation console and update the CF stack previously deployed and change the template parameter WebAppParentOrigin to match the new origin? This usually performs the...

@kmaramr The [comment]( for issue 374 provides a list of items to check to help resolve CORS issues. Can you supply a link to the parent page to debug?

Can you provide a bit more detail about the issue? After updating custom-chatbot-style.css in the webapp deployment S3 bucket you'll need to open the corresponding CloudFront distribution and perform an...

Another installation approach is to deploy using the prebuilt cloudformation template and embed the snippet of html available as output from the stack. This approach brings the bot up in...

@AbhishekDesai99 I believe the loaderOpts supports that ability to specify a baseUrl. See This might allow you to specify a path relative to root to find the bot files.