Bob Haddleton

Results 125 comments of Bob Haddleton

It may be useful to enhance this change to block deletion of the Claim until the Composite is completely deleted. The claim Reconciler can requeue until the Composite is gone...

> I believe CompositionRevisions should be treated more like a Git commit and be loosly coupled to Compositions I like that analogy. We essentially want to take a snapshot of...

Would this be handled natively by kubernetes if blockOwnerDeletion is set to true in the Controller ownerReferences? At least on the composite case where the ownerReferences allow the garbage collector...

@morningspace @ytsarev FYI

Based on feedback from Nic and another idea that will solve most of the same problem without using finalizers, I'm closing this issue.

I'm also concerned that this is a significant change in behavior to introduce without any controls attached to it. I agree that it's a desirable behavior, but it has the...

> From my perspective it makes absolute sense to keep the XR and XRC around to allow the user to track potential deletion errors. You cannot do that if the...

Can you provide a specific example of what you're trying to do and how the provider can facilitate it?

status.atProvider.manifest contains a full copy of the associated kubernetes resource so you can see exactly what it looks like and reference all of the spec/status/etc fields and you can create...

@muvaf suggested creating a ServiceAccount with the desired permissions attached and generate a kubeconfig/secret for a ProviderConfig dedicated to that resource set, which can be used when any of those...