Bob Haddleton

Results 125 comments of Bob Haddleton

@ytsarev That's correct - there are a set of changes to the way Crossplane handles finalizers that are required for this functionality to work as described/desired. I'm working on a...

@ytsarev - A first step toward supporting this in Crossplane is described here -

I think this should put an ownerReference on the Object pointing at the dependency that has the finalizer. That will cause kubernetes to put a foregroundDeletion finalizer on the dependency...

Hi @AaronME - How would you expect the reconciliation loop to handle a remote manifest? Does it pull the manifest once at Create time and only reconcile against that? Or...

The main limitation is the requirement that there can only be one Kubernetes object in the remote manifest. Any remote manifest with more than one YAML document in it would...

Maybe the solution to that is a new "ObjectCollection" resource that handles the remote manifest and processes it's contents into Objects

I think one issue may be that there is no way for the provider to know whether the remote manifest contains one object or many until it retrieves the manifest....

The error leg records an Event for this condition - - but there are times when the events don't show up in the describe output so the composite is...

Did you try the mergeOptions appendSlice policy as described here: ? -- updated link:

> Another use case for this functionality: I think in this scenario we would want the default configuration of the provider to have a volume mounted - adding it...