Benjamin Ramhorst
Benjamin Ramhorst
# Description > :memo: Convolutional, Pooling & Image Layers for Quartus Backend > > * 9219a0ea8952a08a804b72db2849263713b1cdfe Adds support for Conv1D & Conv2D Layers using im2col, in a similar manner to...
A# Description > :memo: A new implementation of Softmax activation for `Vivado` and `Quartus` > * Softmax is a monotonically increasing function; therefore, in classification problems, the output is equivalent...
# Description > * Adds support for image-related layers (Conv 1D & 2D, Avg & Max Pooling, Global Pooling, Zero Padding, Upsampling) in `io_stream` in a similar manner to Vivado...
## Prerequisites Please make sure to check off these prerequisites before submitting a bug report. - [x] Test that the bug appears on the current version of the master branch....
# Description > > * Second part of hls4ml Optimization API #768 > * Introduces Dense Unrolled layers, optimising multiplications with zero in Resource strategy with RF > 1 >...
## Prerequisites Please make sure to check off these prerequisites before submitting a bug report. - [x] Test that the bug appears on the current version of the master branch....
This PR will contain all the necessary changes and bug fixes to run a distributed PL-PL application (e.g. vadd) over the network, instead of AXIS3X. Currently, a draft but in...
This is not an issue in ACCL and there is no known fix as of yet, but I am opening this issue for anyone encountering it in the future. Namely,...
Currently the clock frequency is only partially modifiable. By partially I mean that it can be specified in the Makefile when linking the designing, which directly affects PnR. However, the...
## Prerequisites Please make sure to check off these prerequisites before submitting a bug report. - [x] Test that the bug appears on the current version of the master branch....