Bernice N. Waweru
Bernice N. Waweru
am having the same problem anyone tried out what at @mr--white suggested to see if it worked? am working with a 734 GB .paf.gz file, wouldnt want to repeat this...
Hello am running quickmerge, the nucmer step runs fine but the delta-filter step fails, here is the error log 1: PREPARING DATA 2,3: RUNNING mummer AND CREATING CLUSTERS # reading...
what is the source of the error
Dear Maneesha, Thank you for your response and for the links, i will definitely join the Africa Carpentries team. I hope to learn more from @ErinBecker . Sincerely, Bernice On...
Dear Everyone, Thank you all for such positive responses and feedback! This became a concern for a group of us who were recently trained under the Bioinformatics Community of Practise...