Brian McFee

Results 489 comments of Brian McFee

This will be easy enough to implement, but I'm going to block it until #1552. The reasoning here is that #1552 adds some utilities and dependencies for this kind of...

Great, thanks @junietoc! if you want to prototype something out in a notebook for some early feedback (including just a few range sources), it might help us to quickly iterate...

Excellent! Probably the easiest thing to do is push the notebook up as a [gist]( and we can view it with [nbviewer](

Thanks @junietoc ! A couple of comments so far: > I think it would be beneficial to store the 'freq_ranges' list in '' Actually, my preference would be to have...

@lostanlen any interest / availability to PR this soon?

Ok, thanks. As I'm hoping to push out 0.10 asap, do you think this could be pushed to a point release (0.10.1)?

> i'm not sure how the conversion from datetime to str happens there, but it seems like it's by way of float and not accurate. This will happen here:

@lostanlen I'd like to get this one off our plate in the very short term. I understand if you don't have the bandwidth at present, but for me to take...

> One example is the ability to pass `x_axis='%M分%S秒'` to `specshow`, `xticks=[0, 30, 60, 90]` and obtain `0分0秒`, `0分30秒`, `1分0秒`, `1分30秒` Is that with datetime/timedelta coords? Or integer values (seconds)?

Ah got it, sorry I lost the thread on this one at some point. I guess strftime and timedelta support seem inextricably linked in my head. I do wonder if...