changhui lee

Results 20 comments of changhui lee

It seems to be resolved in the [Go 1.19.2 release]( It would be good to try building with Go 1.19.2.

It seems to be related to this issue: mgechev/revive#607

it may be related to yorkie-team/yorkie#288

I think we should think about our document model. Do we need to change it? If so, how should we change it? Can we support both text and tree structures?

@parkeunae I think you closed this by mistake. should I reopen this?

@doyoonear are you still working on it? it seems staled. cc. @hackerwins

> > npm ERR! notsup Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"}) > > CI Run is failed in [Install npm dependencies step]( :( Do I have to add...

Hmm. If there is no problem, I think we can change it to Yarn. @x86chi Have you tried Yarn to see if the problem is resolved? @yorkie-team/maintainers What do you...

Maybe we should use `npm run` instead of `npx` on ci workflow? or pass tsconfig filepath?