Results 10 comments of Brian Washburn

Sounds great! I noticed it takes a few seconds to spin up the computes. It could be good to have a notification that Hops is in the process of spinning...

How long is too long? Would a timeout of 5 seconds be ok?

Hi @lleandrolludwig, this could be due to a couple of issues. Could you first try just replacing this RESTRaster component with a new one? Could you also zip your definition...

So this RESTful.GdalConfiguration error means Heron is having trouble finding where the GDAL libraries are installed. It seems to be hit or miss on installations from the package manager, so...

Glad it's working! For the issue related to USGS Raster, when the response images say "Map data not yet available", it is likely due to the fact the service does...

Can you please post the files associated with the issue? I'd like to try to reproduce this on my end.

Can you post a GH definition to help troubleshoot this?

Are you able to post or link your GH definition here?

I think I've found the issue. The fix will be in the next release. For now, if you rollback a version does the component work?

I've just posted v0.4.3-beta.3 to the package manager. Try it out and let me know if you still have the issue. ![image](