Pia Baltazar
Pia Baltazar
I haven't checked your comments and suggestions, and it wasn't finished (values where not stored, e.g.) the last time I worked on it, but if you made it work, then...
good idea, thanks
Because you’d want to have some nodes with labels, but undisplayed ?
makes sense
completely agree! what if we drag'n'drop from the port?
yes, I see the point making it a config would be great, yes!
Blink, it does mean blink
blame my bépo keyboard
not really… (actually it was because it got selected when clicking, but there seems also to be a graphic bug) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/113982/130311127-a6b243dc-b19a-413f-a586-5fe9d0728c89.mov
I agree with the names, that's a good idea ! The icon also goes in the right direction, IMHO, but it's not very clear yet: it's not completely obvious the...