Andrew Abramov

Results 79 comments of Andrew Abramov

> Это не так, рендеринг выполняется асинхронно. В каком месте оно асинхронное? Асинхронное API не значит асинхронный код, все операции с файлами, кэшом и т.д. синхронные.

Привет! Можешь уточнить о чём речь? Как воспроизвести проблему?

«Кручу-верчу, запутать хочу!» :smiley: I like this idea, because blocks are more important than levels. Level is part of the implementation of the block. But I don't understand how to...


@veged one week

@aristov, Now we are making these changes to the `enb-bem-i18n` package in `1.x` branch.

@aristov, it looks good. Some comments: Instead of [./techs/i18n-bemjson-to-html]( tech need use [enb-bemxjst/techs/bemjson-to-html]( For [merge]( client JavaScript files with i18n need use option `lang: '{lang}'`: ``` js nodeConfig.addTech([require('enb/techs/file-merge'), { lang:...

> could be marked as checked on list Thanks, fixed. > is there any ETA on this task? no :(

It is necessary to move part of the code about HTML-bundle build to helper: - build file list - build css - build browser js with templates - build HTML...