
Results 6 comments of blip-unicorn

[sms_backup_plus.log]( Not much information in it, I use a "Custom IMAP server" and there is no connection made to the server, the app crashes within a second from clicking the...

If I change the setting "Maximum number of items per backup." to "All" it works, any other value (100, 200, 500) makes the app crash.

> Conclusion: if call log items to be backuped up > limit set by the user = app crashes. I don't agree with this conclusion since my phone is new...

[stacktrace.txt]( Given the attached stacktrace I think the culprit is [line 59 of]( where the LIMIT is put into a sortOrder argument of a Query that is later used...

If I read the Android source correct this is a change between [Android 10](;l=821;bpv=1;bpt=0) and [Android 11](;l=818;bpv=1;bpt=0) and was introduced by commit [1949102](

I also see this issue on Debian Buster, Liferea version 1.12.6, i3 version 4.16.1 Switching to another tile makes the Liferea window disappear, process is still running. If I go...