Matt Blessed
Matt Blessed
I have a pending PR that fixes the small issue with swift 3.0 on the master branch, try that
The master branch is swift 3.0 compliant with PR
I have a wip branch on [my fork here]( My goal is to add app clips default experience functionality. This not only fixes this error, but allows specifying app clip...
@EmDee @gsavit >> Maybe we should go with `overwrite_app_clip_metadata` (since there is also a `overwrite_screenshots`), where the default value is false so it just takes the previous value? > This...
Just tested and it looks like if the latest uploaded binary contains an app clip target the app clip default experience metadata (subtitle, action, and header image) are required to...
I'd also like to contribute to development, but am unsure of what needs to be done. I think a Trello board would be optimal for tracking features/bugs/etc...
I'm seeing that the `selenium-rs` is not communicating well with the the local Selenium API. It's returning `sessionId: null` to `selenium-rs` when trying to find an element, which `selenium-rs` requires...
@globalworming Which version of `chromedriver` are you using? I'm using the latest version (of `chromedriver`) and I'm seeing the same 500 error on all tests. ``` $ chromedriver --version ChromeDriver...
No worries. I figured out that I had to have the Chrome and `chromedriver` using the same versions. I'm now using both Chrome and `chromedriver` on `88.0.4324.96` and no longer...
Found that the Advanced Querying operators include the `$regex` operator, which is not found in the tutorial documentation