Blake Hatch
Blake Hatch
Add support for connect core feature missing from shim ([spec](
The stores that are missing metrics are: - [x] Completeness Checking Store - [ ] Dedup Store - [ ] Grpc Store - [ ] Noop Store - [ ]...
Currently the Redis store supports Connection Manager, but it should also support redis cluster.
# Description Add support for redis cluster by swapping out connection manager with connection cluster. ## Type of change Please delete options that aren't relevant. - [x] New feature (non-breaking...
First PR for leveraging rustdoc to surface existing documentation in the code. This reduces the need for redundant documentation on complex and quickly-evolving systems such as configuration files and stores....
Should migrate to [otel]( and target for after 0.3.0
Some additional instruction/dependencies for using LRE on a fresh machine are: 1. Needs to be run on a linux (ex ubuntu) machine 2. Needs a policy file 3. Needs
Currently doc targets can only be build one at a time (ex: `bazel build //nativelink-config:docs`). Set up bazel rules to build all of the docs at one time for each...
Once the rustdoc comments in the codebase are extensive enough on coverage/polish, put them in the public-facing for easy sharing and access.