Blake Dietz
Blake Dietz
Specification file for computer : Data : Have fun with the data! :+1: On macOS with Brew installed Elixir 1.10 and Erlang 23 and this seems to be the magic fix.
> @esmeraldaliaj as a workaround, I have added the ebin folder to the "classpath" for my elixir version: `~/.asdf/installs/elixir/VERSION/.mix/archives/hex-VERSION/hex-VERSION/ebin` For those still running into this issue, this was the same...
So uhh, any news on this? Anyone have a thought as to how this would even be started? I could just add a +1, but I would love to know...
This makes sense. I'll start looking at #24.
Based on date of releases and when I discovered saxi, I'm guessing v0.6.0.
Actually I just checked on the machine I was plotting on and it was v0.6.1.
^ I'll snag this and respond. Also I got a video the other day. I don't have any log info though.
Eh, let’s close it for now. > On Sep 14, 2019, at 9:06 PM, Jeremy Apthorp wrote: > > @blakedietz did you end up being able to reproduce this? I...
This is still happening. I have an svg I can send you if you'd like to try it out. I'll add some os info for repro.