Bastian Köcher

Results 494 comments of Bastian Köcher

Okay ty for your answer :)

> The goal is to be able to check whether a project is up to date without having to touch the .lock file. Up to date in what sense?

We can add this. If you run with `diener patch --path PATH_TO_THE_WORKSPACE_CARGO_TOML` diener is not required to use cargo metadata for this.

[That]( is the way I solved it for setup.

Yeah a proper fix would be better :) I already do this "hack" for flycheck and the lsp-mode.

The right fix would something that runs direnv directly after switching to the buffer, before any minor/major mode hooks are called. For example the lsp mode starts are server after...

Maybe `change-major-mode-hook` could be used? I think that `post-command-hook` is still required for buffers without a major mode, but I'm not sure.

Currently the problem for me is, that this makes rust-analyzer panic :D