BJR Matos

Results 45 issues of BJR Matos

Currently `nightmare` assumes that it will be running inside a normal `node.js` app so it ends using `child_process.spawn(/path/to/electron)` to do its job, what i'm proposing is support a way to...

Waiting on PR

there is an audit report for passport but we can not update it because its `0.6.0` release has some issues. when it is fixed we should update our dep and...

right now it requires using a custom css approach, there is chance to make it easier context:

the admin user is the only user able to manage users (create, delete, etc), this presents a challenge for people who work as a team, it means having to share...

when a user tries to log on through SSO, and this user doesn't yet exist in JSReport, the user is shown a blank page with the error exception and stack...

when generating a lot of cells the styles are applied to each cell individually, which produces the styles content to be large when there are a lot of cells in...

originally we have avoided adding an automatic retry of failed scheduling renders, because the template linked to the scheduled probably executes some kind of update in script that should not...


this allows a different kind of import flow, you can have a whole different organization of folders on some instance (let's say jo, playground, our some custom instance on some...


it can be nice to support an import/export flow that ensures that no one has changed the contents of the `.zip` file


the pdf utils append fails in this specific case, replicated in the followed zip. more specifically it fails [here]( when trying to parse the pdf buffer of the remote pdf...