BJR Matos

Results 45 issues of BJR Matos

i think there is some workflow that we are not covering in the import. for example let's say you have an instance (instance1) with entities `foo` and `folder/bar`, you export...

the basic idea that we have now is that each render results in one file, so if you use `chrome-pdf` you get PDF as result (`res.content` contains buffer to pdf...

it will be nice to support append/prepend operations at specific page index so we can insert content before/after some page. the case for this probably will be when you want...


we should have clear what is the behaviour of `reporter.blobStorage.write` when using s3 or azure, etc. and then make it consistent. since we now have a new option `options.reports.blobName` that...

this helps in working with entities in agnostic way without having to worry about folder hierarchy or fear to break something when moving entity across folders it would be nice...


with the `html-to-xlsx` recipe we can parse some tags that will allow setting content of cells at specific position, that will be helpful when you just want to create/modify the...


with the `html-to-xlsx` recipe we can allow some attribute like `data-target` to define where the content will be inserted or where it will start to be inserted. for example: ```html...


hi! i have one question regard the userProtection flag option when using the encryption feature. from this [blog post]( i see the available options for the flag, which i will...

no need to add details for why `eval` is evil so i think a better solution and more safety is to use the [`vm`]( module. example implementation (it works): ```...

Hi! do you will accept a PR that implements a `sanitize: true` option? for example for `isDate, isDecimal , isInt` validations would be nice to have a `sanitize` option to...