Stefan Jandl
Stefan Jandl
We should add a linter to the repo. We could look into fixing `format-code` again.
Goal: Explore how to hook up into the build pipeline before the assemblies are passed on to the IL2CPP compiler. There seems to be a difference between `ScriptAssemblies` and `PlayerScriptAssemblies`...
When calling `scope.ClearAttachments()` it also removes the automated screenshot and view hierarchy integrations.
To keep track of them / find commonalities. Android 29 Unity 2019 - timeout: iOS latest Unity 2019 - timeout:
Came up here: When using the burst compiler it creates some additional debug symbol files that should be uploaded. - `ProjectName_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip` - lib_burst_generated.pdb
With the options configuration, more users will run into the issue of setting [compression levels]( that are unsupported on IL2CPP and lead to the SDK silently failing to send events....
When Sentry gets uninstalled we should remove the files we created in `Plugins/Sentry/ `and `Resource/Sentry/`.
Unity 2021.1.12 > Exception: IL2CPP error for method 'System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableDictionary`2 System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableDictionary::CreateRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1)' in assembly '/Users/bitfox/_Workspace/unity_2021_1_12/Temp/StagingArea/assets/bin/Data/Managed/System.Collections.Immutable.dll' Unity 2020.3.12 > Exception: IL2CPP error for method 'System.Byte Sentry.Internal.Extensions.StreamExtensions/d__0::System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator.get_Current()' in /_/src/Sentry/Internal/Extensions/StreamExtensions.cs:16707566 Unity 2019.4.21 > Exception: IL2CPP...
Currently, when passing the user to the native layer the `Other` property does not get synched.
To note: - the whole functionality is behind an opt-in feature flag `AddSentryToWindowsPlayer` on the editor options for now - renaming SentryCliOptions to EditorOptions is a breaking change - the...