Michele Balistreri
Michele Balistreri
apparently this prompt is triggered on iOS14 and newer by any network access on local network: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/663874. Denying it probably doesn't break the app completely but might limit some functionality...
The computer crashing on disconnection is likely a problem with the OS X FTDI driver. I cannot reproduce the issue you describe. It would be interesting to know, if multiple...
I suggest using Nerves UART. This project was started before Nerves UART existed and is a port of a 20 year old Erlang project.
From what I have seen in the datasheet, it looks like the USB peripheral from the H5 might be the same as that in the G0 family (at least register...
the reason why it hasn't been upgraded is that trying to do so generated builds of status-mobile which crashed at runtime. Since status-mobile is indirectly dependent on bouncycastle through other...