
Results 136 issues of miguel

In order to make https://github.com/bitwes/Gut/pull/378 more readable and digestible, let us update the 4.0 branch first with master progress.

Once https://github.com/bitwes/Gut/pull/379 is merged this PR should become more readable. This branch is another attempt at porting this addon to Godot 4. For most of the files, I used the...

I am using Windows 10 in combination with HyperV and Docker for Windows. When running for example: ``` dock mongodb ``` I get the following console log: ``` Starting mongodb...

A port collision will occur when starting at least two containers with an exposed port in common. As a result at least one container will not start with an error...

**Plugin version** Plugin version: 2.4 Godot Version: 3.4 Tiled version: 1.8, 1.9 (downloaded from Github **Issue description** Child object attributes not configured when importing tilemaps. For example, if I create...

In order to ensure that this plugin works with Tiled maps from various versions, set up unit tests that import .tmx files and check for any errors that may occur....

**Compatible with Tiled Version: 1.9.0** ## Description Within Tiled, objects can be referenced like so: ![tiled](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/822035/179423575-508d2c80-24c5-41c1-bef8-dc4329accef6.JPG) However, within Godot the meta field shows up as Tiled integer id. This pull...

When updating the version of the plugin file (only on godot-3.x and godot 4.x branches), automatically generate a tag and push a release with generated release notes + generated discussion....

📙 docs
🌺 enhancement
⚙ workflow

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When running games with behavior trees it is difficult to follow what is currently happening within it. Setting breakpoints within...

⭐ feature

Create a new release pipeline that publishes Github releases when pushing a new tag to Github.

⭐ feature