Ran Biron
Ran Biron
No observable issues. `Access from event dispatch thread is not allowed. com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.RuntimeExceptionWithAttachments: EventQueue.isDispatchThread()=true Toolkit.getEventQueue()=com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue@103e420c Current thread: Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,Idea Thread Group] 288704375 SystemEventQueueThread: Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,Idea Thread Group] 288704375 at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.throwThreadAccessException(ApplicationImpl.java:1088) at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.assertIsNonDispatchThread(ApplicationImpl.java:1071) at...
UI freeze for seconds on changing to new file. The project I'm developing on is pretty huge (files, LoC, size of each file). I'm on the 2020.1.4eap version and IDEA...
1. enable "checkout target branch when doing code review". 2. "code review" an MR for a branch you have not seen before. The branch will be created locally. finish code...
I started working on current branch that had a merge request already attached to it. A coworker commented on line 156:  I responded by updating the code and lost...
Consider the following timeline in an MR: T0. Baseline commit C0. T1. commit C1, did not touch file A T2. commit C2, touched filed A T3. commit C3, did not...
Some keyboard shortcuts for reviewing comments are sorely missing: 1. When in comment editor, accept/reply e.g. Ctrl-Enter and cancel e.g. Esc. 2. When in comment editor or comments list, goto...
### Short description When using libraries built with lombok and attaching source with lombok annotations, IntelliJ complains about mismatch between source and class file. ### Expected behavior IntelliJ should not...
## Bug Report When reading from multiple connections using multiple threads, an OutOfDirectMemoryError can cause threads to read the result of commands sent by different threads, e.g. thread 1 issues...