icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard A BioThings API for gene annotations

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We are using this function (,summary ) to get the summary of gene POLA2, the call returns no summary. However, if we search this gene in NCBI, we can...

Some uniprot accessions are not available for querying nor as output in the "uniprot" field/scope. To illustrate I've included 2 examples, one accession that works (P63044) and one that fails...

UMLS is a key biomedical resource for genes and other entities. says the last update was April 2020. According to the [release history](, UMLS is updated twice a year...

Change the update to the release version instead of release date for the Reactome plugin, similar to how cpdb uses release no instead of release date.

The Alliance of Genome Resources (AGR) is a consortium of the most highly-used model organisms (mouse, rat, worm, fly, zebrafish, yeast), and they have released their own set of ortholog...

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>The Consensus CDS (CCDS) project is a collaborative effort to identify a core set of human and mouse protein coding regions that are consistently annotated and of high quality. The...

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hgnc contains gene group info:!/group/567

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The FDA provides [Unique Ingredient Identifiers (UNII)](, primarily for small molecule compounds but also for the proteins that they target. The complete list of UNIIs for proteins with mappings to...

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"The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is a freely available electronic database containing detailed information about small molecule metabolites found in the human body" (from HMDB contains links between proteins...

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